Clean and Reliable Water Source in Saskatchewan
Reliable water is an important resource that Saskatchewan requires to continue to develop and grow. Water allows for new industry, greater herd numbers, farm expansions and is needed to build the “Heart of Saskatchewan”, our small towns that many call home….

Dug Out Water in Saskatchewan
As a child I recall our dug-out water was yellow in spring, brown and even black in the cold months. It required massive amounts of chlorination or a product called bluestone to attempt to manage it. Yet I also clearly remember times in my youth where the water …

Does Equipment Really Matter When Drilling a Water Well?
When hiring a water well drilling company - Does the equipment really matter when drilling a water well? It is important to use new modern methods such as modern electronic logging with spontaneous potential Resistivity and Gama. Newer models take measurements every inch so areas with clay lenses can be avoided and better areas with increased flow utilized more. We are then able to…

Water Well Drillers
Not all water well drillers are equal. The basic water well drilling methods have not changed for decades. Many drillers in Saskatchewan today still use older methods of driller and old technology. Wolverine Drilling Inc works for clients, so we run modern drill methods that include large 600 gal fluid recycling, de-silting and de-sanding and modern e-logging with SP, SPR and GAMA…

Slow Well - Now What?
Water wells are unique, like people. The world is a big place and with a wide variety of water wells and a vast array of pump rates and hydraulic pressures. When a well is drilled and the pump rate is not as predicted, our best advice is to utilize water management practices for the water it does produce within healthy parameters for the aquifer. So now you have a slow well - now what?

Water Testing Kits - A Cautionary Note
The Saskatchewan Water Agency is warning the public that water testing kits are being left on doorsteps. These kits are questionable as the bottles do not appear to be sterilized. The main purpose of these kits is to have a private agency/business test the water and …

Drilling in Saskatchewan
Drilling in Saskatchewan can be many things. It can be successful, and a disappointment based on what your intention, the requirement is. For some a well producing at 3 gal per minute is a monumental success for others it is a complete failure. For some …

Green Energy May Actually Be Gray
Industrial Wind Turbines can create vibrations that can migrate natural and fine materials that clog or stop water wells from producing. This is a phenomenon that is well documented but often overlooked. This will, unfortunately, leave many homeowners no access to water, or having to purchase expensive water systems. It often requires the replacement of water well components and can result in heavy wear on pumps.

What is Agrihood?
By definition, agrihood means ‘agriculture neighborhoods’, but what is the fuss all about?
Agrihood are planned communities where they have barns, gardens, and even outdoor kitchens, some have greenhouses others have orchards. This is a phenomenon of millennials choosing to grow their own. Some utilize compost methods others focus on high standards of environmental awareness. They are not off the grid communities, but rather attract community members by offering healthy outdoor living opportunities, and open green spaces.

7 Tips When Hiring A Water Well Driller
Wolvering Drilling Inc. is an established and trusted water well drilling company that has been proudly serving Saskatchewan residents and municipalities since 2003. We take pride in our dedication to providing all of our customers with great service and high-quality water wells constructed with superior materials and built to stand the test of time. Over the course of our experiences, we have encountered many customers that have been taken advantage of and we want to provide some tips when researching your water well drilling options.

When It Comes To Screens - Size Does Matter!
Many will say that size does not matter. Let me tell you... they are not telling you the straight goods.
Wolverine Drilling Inc. uses the highest quality materials, approved methods and current relevant practices for the longevity of the well. Contact us directly at 306-682-4647 to discuss your options for a reliable water source to serve generations to come.

Should You Drill Your Own Well?
For most of my adult life I relied on municipal water supplies. Which was a step up from my youth. Growing up in agriculture we used a dugout. I will not lie... much of my youth we struggled for water. The dugout went through cycles of yellow water, black smelly s#!x, and even times of no water. Growing up we had to balance washing a load of laundry or deciding to have a shower because the dugout well was very low in a drought period like the 85-89. At times of abundant water it seemed to

Pipeline vs. Water Well
We have noticed an increasing phenomenon develop. Clients who are on pipeline water are distancing themselves a bit and choosing to go the route of a water well for a number of reasons.

Water Well Drilling in Saskatchewan
There is a common attitude in Saskatchewan among those in the water well drilling industry. “If this works, why do better?..... “
What we asked ourselves, how can I make this better? How can we do it more effectively and efficiently?

Role of the Sask Water Agency
The Water Security Agency (WSA) is a unique organization in Canada - bringing together all of the government's core water management responsibilities in one place. WSA manages the province's water supply, protects water quality, ensures safe drinking water and treatment of wastewater …

Investment Cost To Drill A Water Well
The investment cost to drill a water well and provide a reliable water supply is never a waste of financial resources. The reality is, it is a utility service that increases the property value more than the costs of the actual drilling.

What To Look For When Hiring A Water Well Drilling Company
Service is an important component to water well drilling and should be a value add when considering who will be your contractor in your water well construction. Sometimes the cheapest price … isn’t the best price for many reasons.