Saskatchewan & Manitoba
Winter Water Well Driller in Saskatchewan & Manitoba
Winter drilling in Saskatchewan and Manitoba comes with its own set of challenges. Winter tends to be when most older style wells fail. The reason for this is multifaceted. Aquifer recharges tend to be reduced, and the wells tend to under more strain with increased water use at Christmas. Cattle tend to feed/drink together which tends to tax an already struggling well. Once the casing cracks, the material begins to migrate a little at first and more over time.
Sometimes if it is possible to wait till warmer weather it is always encouraged, but often waiting for warmer weather is not possible. Water is a requirement that people depend upon and having the right system set up for drilling is a must. Finding a winter driller can be challenging because many drillers are not set up or equipped for winter drilling. Additional time will be needed to work with frozen or stiff materials, shortened daylight hours, longer times to prepare each day. We are unable to use anti-freeze or salted methods to aid in preventing freezing. Artic grade lube is required on the stem and at colder temperatures, the stem tends to lose connection leaking drill fluid along the drilled hole. Pumps can’t be filled with oil during shut down periods or paused during drilling (like in the oil and gas industry) as we intend to use the wells for domestic or municipal use. Equipment needs to keep circulating as much as possible to prevent gelling or freezing, this means equipment needs to run nearly the entire time. The use of additional industrial heaters and additional generator use is required. We often try to tarp equipment as much as possible to reduce heat loss. If there is an available heated shop that is in functional order that we can make use of, it can be helpful when we choose which winter jobs can be added to the drill list. So if this is an option, please let us know. Site accessibility can be challenging. In some circumstances, we do ask that snow clearing be completed prior to drilling. If your unsure, please send a photo(s) of the area prior to drilling.
Wolverine Drilling Inc. is an experienced year-round water well drilling and services company. We are dedicated to working with you for any of your water well requirements. We conduct business with a high level of transparency and look forward to hearing from you. Contact us at 306-717-1933 or by email at info@wolverinedrillinginc.com.
Book now for the 2022 & 2023 seasons. Limited Availability.
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Water Well
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