Long Term Cost of Poor Quality Water Well Materials
Let’s be very clear upfront. Materials are not all the same. There is absolutely a long term cost of poor quality water well materials….

What does 20, 30, 40+ years of combined drilling experience really mean?
It sure sounds good but it could also be 20, 30, 40+ years of mistakes, warranty avoidance, and may include multiple name changes, and relocation to avoid disgruntled clients and possible lawsuits. It could also be many years of old drill practices combined with old equipment and even older ideas of what a well and customer should be. Today’s clients are well informed and it is correct to be concerned with new up and coming business as they may not be around years from now.

What Is The Difference Between A Good Well And A Poor Well?
This is a leading contributor to well underperformance and well failure. Companies selling 4 inch or 4 1/2 inch will try to convince clients that it is just as good as a 5 inch ID well.
It is not.
A 4-inch pump is designed to fit into a 4 inch well casing, but there is only 1/8 inch clearance between the pump and the well casing wall.

Water well targets are often missed or can be damaged by inexperienced drillers resulting in additional attempts, delays in completion and increased overall costs. Drillers that have extensive oil and gas global experience may be an asset in the oil and gas industry, but for a water well…

Water Well Companies & Choosing Wisely
When searching for a local water well drilling company - we understand that there are many choices and you are likely questioning who is the right company to invest and partner with.
It is not a fluke that we are Saskatchewan’s top drilling company for water wells.

How Does Equipment Influence Water Well Quality?
To improve your water well quality it is important to use new modern methods such as modern electronic logging with Spontaneous Potential Resistivity and Gama. Newer models take measurements every inch so ….

Why Do I Have No Water At My Tap?
I get this type of call surprisingly often and more often in the past three years. Large diameter wells rely on shallower surface aquifers and are more dependent on precipitation. Problems can be complex, but in general, we try to determine specifics and narrow things down. We talk about current water needs and establish static water levels in the well. A reoccurring problem is …

Ground Water - A Quick Guide
The cheapest route is often a Sand Point. It is generally an augured hole no deeper than 25ft and is usually very slim casing around 2 inches to 4 inches (outside diameter) t. The intake beneath the ground is slotted plastic casing. Auger and flighted stem is the most common install and drilling muds are generally not required for such shallow depths. If the hole collapses…

Screen Size Does Matter
Size of screens and casing does matter in a Small Diameter well. In physics and engineering, in particular fluid dynamics and hydrometry, the volumetric flow rate (also known as volume flow rate, rate of fluid flow or volume velocity) is the volume of fluid which passes…

Climate Change and Domestic Wells
According to Maclean’s in a 2018, Canada is in a vulnerable spot from ageing infrastructure climate change, floods/droughts, cyber-attacks, transboundary conflicts with the United States, contamination and the sale of water to foreign markets. ..

Water Well Contamination
The reality is, many drilling companies currently operating in Saskatchewan are unable or not interested in grouting properly. Pressurized grouting is an important and key part of water well drilling…

Does Equipment Really Matter When Drilling a Water Well?
When hiring a water well drilling company - Does the equipment really matter when drilling a water well? It is important to use new modern methods such as modern electronic logging with spontaneous potential Resistivity and Gama. Newer models take measurements every inch so areas with clay lenses can be avoided and better areas with increased flow utilized more. We are then able to…

Water Well Drillers
Not all water well drillers are equal. The basic water well drilling methods have not changed for decades. Many drillers in Saskatchewan today still use older methods of driller and old technology. Wolverine Drilling Inc works for clients, so we run modern drill methods that include large 600 gal fluid recycling, de-silting and de-sanding and modern e-logging with SP, SPR and GAMA…

What To Look For When Hiring A Water Well Drilling Company
Service is an important component to water well drilling and should be a value add when considering who will be your contractor in your water well construction. Sometimes the cheapest price … isn’t the best price for many reasons.