Tips for Municipalities
For communities that are currently seeking tenders for a new community water well project, a suggestion would be to tender all parts of all jobs. You will get your best competitive value-added rate by opening work to all tenders….

The Value of ELogging When Drilling a Water Well
There is great value to utilize Elogging when drilling a water well. In fact, Elogging is VITAL … but it is only as good as the tool. Borehole geophysical logging methods are used to measure physical properties of geologic material around the borehole, borehole fluid properties, and …

What Is The Difference Between A Good Well And A Poor Well?
This is a leading contributor to well underperformance and well failure. Companies selling 4 inch or 4 1/2 inch will try to convince clients that it is just as good as a 5 inch ID well.
It is not.
A 4-inch pump is designed to fit into a 4 inch well casing, but there is only 1/8 inch clearance between the pump and the well casing wall.

How Does Equipment Influence Water Well Quality?
To improve your water well quality it is important to use new modern methods such as modern electronic logging with Spontaneous Potential Resistivity and Gama. Newer models take measurements every inch so ….