Why Do I Have No Water At My Tap?
I get this type of call surprisingly often and more often in the past three years. Large diameter wells rely on shallower surface aquifers and are more dependent on precipitation. Problems can be complex, but in general, we try to determine specifics and narrow things down. We talk about current water needs and establish static water levels in the well. A reoccurring problem is …

Cabin and Lake Lot Water Wells
Water wells rely on sand and gravel seems. Saskatchewan has regulations that are loosely followed by many contractors. Every water well should be tremie line grouted and pressurized grout pumping into the annulus above the stainless-steel screens to the surface. Red Deer is an excellent example of what NOT to do…

Water Well Drillers
Not all water well drillers are equal. The basic water well drilling methods have not changed for decades. Many drillers in Saskatchewan today still use older methods of driller and old technology. Wolverine Drilling Inc works for clients, so we run modern drill methods that include large 600 gal fluid recycling, de-silting and de-sanding and modern e-logging with SP, SPR and GAMA…

Drilling in Saskatchewan
Drilling in Saskatchewan can be many things. It can be successful, and a disappointment based on what your intention, the requirement is. For some a well producing at 3 gal per minute is a monumental success for others it is a complete failure. For some …

Water Well Failure
A significant number of aging wells tend to have problems at Christmas when the family is over and an already aging system that is under stress. It usually starts with a day or two of heavy water use, then the water turns silty and dark. The well does not recharge as it had previously and with continued use, the casing finally cracks, and water slows to a stop. This often leaves little to no water for toilets and often not enough for …

Water Well Drilling in Saskatchewan
There is a common attitude in Saskatchewan among those in the water well drilling industry. “If this works, why do better?..... “
What we asked ourselves, how can I make this better? How can we do it more effectively and efficiently?