Should You Drill Your Own Well?
For most of my adult life I relied on municipal water supplies. Which was a step up from my youth. Growing up in agriculture we used a dugout. I will not lie... much of my youth we struggled for water. The dugout went through cycles of yellow water, black smelly s#!x, and even times of no water. Growing up we had to balance washing a load of laundry or deciding to have a shower because the dugout well was very low in a drought period like the 85-89. At times of abundant water it seemed to

Water Well Drilling in Saskatchewan
There is a common attitude in Saskatchewan among those in the water well drilling industry. “If this works, why do better?..... “
What we asked ourselves, how can I make this better? How can we do it more effectively and efficiently?

Pro's and Con's of a Shared Water Well
It often begins well with everyone on the same page so to reduce upfront costs, but overtime the lines of the initial agreement tends to change with …