deconstructing a water well quote - water well driller saskatchewan - water well driller manitoba

Deconstructing a Water Well Quote

Water well drilling is both an art and a science. Water well quotes will vary from company to company and will not be the same. It can be confusing and sometimes deceptive making it difficult for customers to determine what is actually being presented in their water well quote.

Be cautious with the quotes that charge per item as often many items can be added on and easily mislead you. While it appears to have a lower cost at first glance it does not reflect the overall investment required for the entire project. All these little items add up to a lower initial cost and will most often have a greater possibility of unforeseen costs being added on at the end of the project. Be sure to look through the small print which could be outlining additional charges such as mileage costs. For example, the location to drill site may be 473 km yet only 200 km is calculated in the quote, but a notation at the bottom stating $3 will be charged for each km. This means that $3 x 473 is $1,419 ( one way ) and the 200 km ( $600 ) listed is greatly inaccurate. Furthermore, do they charge mileage both ways? Is it one way? Why was the full mileage ( mobilization ) not calculated?

Another area to examine with a water well quote is for product and materials. Often cases one can find there are 3 bags of product is listed, but it is far more likely that 5 or 7 bags will be used, at the very least, and up to 21 bags ( or more ) is possible for the depth given of each water well.

Other questionable billable items, as an example, would be 2 lbs of chlorine being quoted. Chlorine is often found on water well quotes —- Well it is important to know, is it liquid or granular? Chlorination should begin during the drilling phase, all muds should be chlorinated and all back flushing should be chlorinated with a shock chlorination at the end. When things are added into any well, it is important to understand that it should be cleaned and chlorinated to limit and reduce any potential contamination exposure.

All our wells at Wolverine Drilling Inc. are tremie line pressure grouted from the aquifer to the surface. This is an important step as it seals the annulus of the well from surface contamination, aquifer to aquifer contamination while also pushing air and water pockets up and out. Be wary of dry surface grouting as it can be problematic; the product can bridge and not get into place leaving pockets of the ungrouted borehole.

We often help customers understand what other water well drilling companies are providing with their quote. One example we came across is where the water well drilling company had 2 bags of hole plug listed for a 100 ft water well. There was a total of 6 ft of the specific sealing product ( based on their listed bit size and listed casing size dimensions ). What are they planning to fill the borehole space with? Additionally, there was only listed a total of 3 bags of bentonite intended for drilling, so it is likely they are not using that and will likely need more to complete a basic job.

Wolverine Drilling Inc. chlorinates every drop of water that enters our tanks to ensure the cleanest water possible. Why? Because surface contamination can be a variable based on area as it could be from a catastrophic train derailment or it can be as simple as frost lifting on a manhole of a septic tank and its contents leaking into the sand and ground around it. Contamination can be caused by a livestock operation in the area and/or local flooding from heavy rain. Contamination can also come directly from the drilling process. This specific chlorination prevents bacteria from transferring from a surface source, or contaminated ground source, into a water well. Without this incorporated into each step of the process, bacteria may go undetected until there is a problem, but by then the bacteria infestation is widespread.

Here at Wolverine Drilling Inc. we believe in full transparency before - during - and after your water well is producing. Our quotes contain flat rates to make it simple to understand and budget for. Our ability to provide flat-rate comes with 20 yrs experience drilling successful water wells, in all conditions, and uses yearly averages. This flat rate is on mileage and required drill products like chlorine, bags of bentonite, grout and bags of sand.

Located in Humboldt, Saskatchewan, Wolverine Drilling Inc. is an established, trusted and reliable drilling contractor equipped to drill, service and repair your water well - regardless the circumstances or location

Wolverine Drilling Inc. is the trusted 'go-to' contractor for many residents, municipalities and communities all over the province of Saskatchewan.  We drill water wellsdecommission abandoned water wellsinstall and service water wells, provide trenching & installation servicesdewater wellsprovide artesian water well controldrill irrigation wells, complete environmental drilling, e-logging services, well monitoring and drill municipal water wells for the community.

We take great pride in our knowledge and have the skill set to secure your investment for years to come.  Wolverine Drilling Inc. looks forward to partnering with you or your team for all your water well services.


Water Well Fluid Recycling Explained


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